
Aboriginal Drummers at Rockheights

Every Thursday and Friday afternoon a small group of students gather to drum. 
In September, the group has been working on the Cherokee Morning Song.
The group will perform at the monthly assemblies.

September BBQ

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Ask Your Youth About the School Day

When you ask your youth what s/he learned at school and his/her response is, "Nothing", try a more specific question like, "What did you do in math today?"


Rockheights Hockey Academy

  The Rockheights Hockey Academy students are excited about getting on the ice this year. They skate twice per week from September to March. The first on ice practice is Wednesday, September 18th. 
See you at the Archie Browning Arena!
Stay tuned for more information about the Rockheights Hockey Academy.

School Wide Reading Time

The students at Rockheights Middle School indulge in independent reading time following lunch time for 20 minuts. The library is open for book exchange, the outside courtyards are available for leisurely fresh air reading and classrooms become comfortable reading spaces. What are you reading today?

The Bully, the Bullied & the Bystander

During the first week of school, grade groups of students at Rockheights watched this Anti-Bullying Advertisement several times. Each time they viewed the clip, the students were asked to view the clip from the perspective of either the bully, the bullied or the bystander. 

Then the students got into small groups where their group took on one of the player viewpoints. Groups brainstormed about the possible feelings of their player. Each group presented their thoughts to the large group.

Taking an in depth look at the bully, the bullied and the bystander is a good way for students to reflect on bullying at school.

Field Study

Mrs. Snow took a group of students out to the local cairn for a science lesson on environmental diversity. This sacred Garry Oak Ecosystem provides a wealth of learning opportunities for our students.

School Wide Write

Using the Performance Standards for Personal Writing, all of the students in the school are writing one writing sample. This writing sample will provide the teachers with enough information to determine where to begin with their writing programs for the school year.

Prior to the actual writing, students are engaged in pre-writing activities: reading about the topic (autumn), talking about the topic in partners, gathering a group brainstorm web of ideas on the topic and building a criteria list defining good writing (see photos above), all of which can be used in the student writing. 
Looking forward to a year of great writing at Rockheights!


Photos and Photo Day

Photo Day is Tuesday, September 17th in the morning. 
Mike and Doug from Edge Imaging were at Rockheights sharing some photography tricks of the trade with students.

Grade 8 Corn Lunch

On Friday, September 6th the grade 8 students gathered together to enjoy a corn-on-the-cob with their peers at lunch! Building community at Rockheights Middle School!